Legal Support: Brij’s Story
December 19, 2023
We are thrilled to share Brij’s story and the impact of Dismas House’s Legal Support.
When he arrived at Dismas House, one of his first objectives was renewing his driver’s license. For many returning citizens, fines and fees stand in the way of driver’s license reinstatement, creating additional challenges related to employment and transportation.
Through Dismas House’s partnerships, residents receive assistance from specialized attorneys, who provide their services at no cost and travel across Tennessee to advocate for each individual. These services prove to be life-changing for those who are unable to move forward without legal representation.
“Unconditionally supportive – that’s how I would describe Dismas House. They invested so much into me through their resources. Their attorneys help people get their lives back on track by reducing, if not eliminating, court costs. These various avenues of support are invaluable.”
Today, Brij continues growing in his career with TRICOR, an agency of the State of Tennessee, having received two promotions in just over two years. He enjoys working on his mobile apps and patents and giving back to current Dismas House residents by regularly providing community dinners. Thanks to supporters like you, Brij is once again a thriving member of his hometown – right here in Nashville.
As you plan your year-end charitable contributions, please consider making an impact in the lives of more men like Brij – fathers, sons, brothers, and neighbors who deserve a fair chance in our communities. No gift is too small, and every amount contributes to breaking the cycle of incarceration.